Odd hairs

Today was quite a bad day, my desk at work is hidden round a corner and it's easy to fiddle with my hair. If I'm focused on my work it's OK but if I start clock watching and wishing I was somewhere else my hands often creep towards my head. I guess hair pulling passes the time and distracts me from being bored! I tend not to do it in front of people and so it's quite dangerous being hidden around a corner! I pulled quite a few this afternoon, I always hate it afterwards but at the time I just can't resist :(

I always pull hairs out one by one and when I'm doing it I'm always searching for the 'right one'! If a hair comes out without it's root then it's a failure. I hate hairs being in my head if they feel different or are rough in texture, these ones are the good ones that have to come out!! I dread the day I go grey because I can't handle the thought of 'odd' hairs being there, I like them all to be smooth and the same.

I will try hard this evening and will not touch my hair!


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