
Showing posts from November, 2009

Wet head

Just washed my hair. I never pull my hair when it's wet and I know that this is the same for most people with tric . You can't get hold of the strands properly and your hair goes like elastic. It's feels nice to have a clean non-itchy head! I am home alone tonight so must be careful not to pull any while sitting on the sofa! It's much easier to control when other people are around as I am aware that they might see me do it! I live with my boyfriend and although he knows all about my hair pulling problem we don't often talk about it. I think I prefer it that way as it makes me feel more normal! I would really like to get rid of the volumiser now and have my normal hair back but unfortunately until I can stop pulling for good I don't think that will happen! I currently drive about 200 miles to get to the volumiser salon, however the man who owns it is planning to open more branches and so hopefully one will pop up near me!! It would be great to save the time and...

Get a grip!

I haven't written for a while because I have been busy and my hair pulling has gone back to how it was! NAC is not a miracle cure :( I don't remember the day that the pulling started again, but it was at least a couple of weeks ago. I had the volumiser tightened and then drove for 4 hours back home. It was tight and started to annoy me and I know I pulled a few then! I have also had lots on at work which has made me slightly anxious! Anxiety doesn't help the urges either. I know that I must try harder........... I'm still taking NAC and will continue to do so for now, but I know that willpower is also needed in this battle!! Time to do some housework now! At least it keeps my hands busy........

1 bad day

I have been very good for the past few weeks! Only pulled the odd hair here and there but yesteray was a bad day and I pulled about 30! I knew I was doing it so not sure why I didn't try harder to stop myself. It was a stressful day at work and pulling helps calm me. It feels satisfying when I pull and so I guess this is why I did it!! I will try hard not to have a bad day again because afterwards it always makes me feel sad. Better keep my hands busy and do some housework! :)