Hair forum

Over the last few years I have been using a hair forum to keep up to date with what's going on in the trich world:

The lady who runs it is called Louise, there is plenty of useful advice on it and I have made a few hair friends who I also now keep in contact with via text and the mighty facebook!! Forums are a good place to rant! If I ever feel like pulling then it helps to log on and have a little look around. Some people suffer a lot more than I do and so it's also nice to offer a few words of encouragement. Trich mentally drains you and although it doesn't stop me from having a relatively normal life, some people turn in to hermits and isolate themselves.

This forum is for people in the UK and has different areas for different types of pulling. As well as hair pulling there is also eyebrow, eyelash, beard pulling etc. People pluck from all sorts of places!! The majority of pullers are female but you do get the odd man that does it as well.


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