Hair update

Since using twitter I haven't posted many updates. Twitter is quick and easily accessible from my mobile! My hair is still shit, the sides and front are bald. I'm now using tape at the front of my volumiser in an attempt to let it recover a bit. The connections used to pull my hair out and there was hardly any there anyway! I used to use Fullmore on the sides which helped but I have recently joined a hot yoga class and you sweat like a beast!! The dye in Fullmore would drip everywhere and I would get in a right state :/

I have no idea how to stop pulling my hair out. I have tried so many things!! I'm not pulling my hair right this second and so I know that I don't need to, or feel like doing it every second of the day! I just need to figure out the secret to the non-pulling state and keep it all day..... This is a bit weird but I sometimes think that if I broke my arms and couldn't touch my hair for several weeks then maybe that would break the spell! But I have never broken any bones and would cry if I really did...

It's all very frustrating and as I get closer to 30 I fear that I have damaged the majority of my hair for good. Over 20 years of pulling! My poor hair!!!!! :(


  1. I understand exactly what you are saying about not being able to find a way to be pull-free for longer stretches at a time. When my hands are occupied, like as I type this, I am fine, but when I'm reading or watching TV or movies etc., I just cannot resist.

    I am 40 and have been pulling since I was 12, so 28 years now and have never stopped for long. I try to only pull hair underneath the top layer of hair, so for the most part my bald spots aren't visible to others...though I have a couple of hot spots where I can't always stick to this. But this is the only slight control I have over this wretched disorder.


  2. Hi Mag I follow you on twitter (artoist) and I find it so refreshing to see someone talk so openly about such a guarded subject so many of us feel ashamed about...
    Im a photographer and trying to raise awareness of trich also.
    I'd love to take some portraits of you sometime (or any other trich sufferers you know) Please follow me back :)
    or my email :
    thanks xxx

  3. Hi Charlotte, only just seen your comment! Haven't checked my blog in ages! Following you on twitter now.... Photos sound interesting, trich does need more awareness, whenever I have been to the doctor they have never heard of it. I used to hate talking about it but one day I just changed my mind and decided not to let it get me down so much, speak soon :) x


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