I have just had a telephone conversation with a lady who is making a documentary about Trich (she calls it TTM). She is working closely with Lucinda Ellery and I emailed her to let her know that I would be happy to speak to her over the phone about the condition. I wanted her to know that there are other salons out there. My worry is that people will think that Lucinda's is the only option when it isn't. The trouble with her place is the cost :( She is going to call again on Wednesday as it was only a brief chat today. She wanted to know what treatments I had tried, how old I was etc. the usual stuff! It's odd that I don't mind talking about it now, I used to be so scared!! I still need to make my plan for the year! Next weekend I am having the volumiser off and re-alligned. I hate it because I get to see how thin my real hair is!! :/